wpf How to apply alternating row colors to groups in a DataGrid?

wpf advanced datagrid

While waiting for the value to arrive, the binding reports the value set on the FallbackValue property, if one is available, or the default value of the binding target property. The InsertionRow class represents a row in which values can be entered to insert a new item to the grid. The final example is just a demonstration of the type of styling that can be applied to a WPF DataGrid. We have all the usual suspects, rounded glass effect tabs for column headings, grouping with a customised Expander template, mouse-over highlighting, etc. This example demonstrates how to use a DataGrid to perform CRUD operations via binding where the database integration is decoupled via a Data Access Layer (DAL).

wpf advanced datagrid

Our Customers Love Us

When SfDataGrid.SelectionUnit is Cell, you can get information about the cells that are selected by calling SfDataGrid.GetSelectedCells method. When SelectionUnit is Row, you can get information about the rows that are selected using SfDataGrid.SelectedItem and SfDataGrid.SelectedItems properties. Bind the collection created in previous step to SfDataGrid.ItemsSource property in XAML by setting ViewModel as DataContext. Being able to show details for a DataGrid row is extremely useful, and with the WPF DataGrid it’s both easy and highly customizable, as you can see from the examples provided in this tutorial.

Persist User Settings

The rule will check a column (or all the row’s columns) for length, unique, and null constraints. Any updates / deletions to the Customer or Order rows are written to the database. However, the interface is a little peculiar in that when inserting a new order row via the bottom DataGrid, you have to type in the related CustomerID. It would make sense to remove this column and the generated ID from the interface. With the above code, the design-time support of the DataGrid is now available, allowing you to configure which columns are present, their bindings, sorting, etc.

wpf advanced datagrid

Common interface controls

You can customize the filtering operations by handling SfDataGrid.FilterChanging and SfDataGrid.FilterChanged events. The SearchControl provides powerful search capability, providing end-users with an easy to use UI for finding items in the datagrid’s cells. Works with Master/Detail views, collapsed groups, and also with data virtualization enabled. Cells with identical text can automatically be displayed as one larger horizontal or vertical cell (or both). Cells can also be merged programmatically to display their content in a combined way (as shown by the City and Country columns in the image below).

Built-in add new row

One of the main strengths of FlexGrid is the ability to customize every aspect of the appearance of the entire grid and individual cells. Choose from 27 built-in themes using the SfSkinManager for a rich user interface. Easily customize all aspects of the DataGrid appearance using the Theme Studio utility. Users can freeze rows and columns at the top, bottom, left, and right positions, similar to in Excel.

The DataGrid control

  1. This rendering takes place within the OnRender method of this class; however, if a Background or BorderBrush is set, the rendering is performed by the standard WPF Border class; therefore, arrows and separators are lost.
  2. There are “Ending” events, but no “Ended” events; therefore, the data visible to event handlers is not in its committed state.
  3. As you can see, there are no UI framework specific interfaces or classes (such as ObservableCollection) exposed by the DAL.
  4. The ShowPrintPreviewWindow and ShowPrintPreviewPopup methods provide print preview capabilities.

The style of the column header can easily be modified via the ColumnHeaderStyle of the DataGrid. However, if you modify the background colour of the column header, you will find that the sort arrows disappear! This is because the arrows are not part of the ColumnHeader template; instead, they are added programmatically.

The WPF DataGrid has an interesting feature called RowDetails, which is an area of customisable content beneath each row. You can use the RowDetailsVisibilityMode property of the DataGrid to specify whether to display details just for the selected rows or for all the rows. When a new row or changes to an existing row is committed to a DataTable, constraints https://traderoom.info/ are checked (e.g., nullable columns, unique constraints) and an exception thrown if they are violated. It would make sense to catch these exceptions and display the problem as a validation error to the DataGrid user. Unfortunately, the WPF DataGrid v1 has a bug whereby it does not catch exceptions when IEditableObject.EndEdit is invoked.

For example, in some cases, you might wish to submit a batch of changes via a “Submit” button, or you may wish to have the database updated as the user commits each row edit. In order to support these, the rows that the DataTable contains have a RowState property which indicates whether they contain changes which should be synchronized with the database. The synchronization process is easily achieved via the TableAdapter’s Update method.

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community.For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct. The DataGridControl class also exposes the ExportToXps method, which allows a grid to be exported as an XPS document. The StatRow class represents a row that can be used to display statistical results. However, there is no feedback to the user regarding the nature of the error, and there is no indicator on the row to alert the user. However, please note that any exception that occurs when the data is being updated is not being handled, which will result in the in-memory DataTable no longer being synchronized with the database.

Easily export the WPF DataGrid control to various file formats such as Excel, PDF, or CSV. Quickly print and export the WPF DataGrid to Excel, CSV, and PDF file formats. Read the Documentation about how to use these features.The API Documentation describes the global API for DGX. An Excel-like advanced filtering https://traderoom.info/displaying-data-in-tables-with-wpf-s-datagrid/ functionality is available when using auto filtering. This Advanced Filtering functionality can be used as an alternative to the FilterRow. Currently, there is a lack of documentation and examples demonstrating common DataGrid usage scenarios (which is to be expected, as it is an out-of-band release).
